"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18My husband started a game on our 1-year wedding anniversary. Out of the blue he asked "What's something you're thankful for?" I was surprised how long my list was! When I really sat and gave time to pondering it, I had alot to be grateful for! And new things pop up every day!
But 2 things are always at the top of my list, and I mention them every time I'm asked. The first is my salvation.
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering." -Romans 8:1-3No condemnation awaits me because of Christ's attoning death on the cross. I stand in awe of it every day. What greater service could anyone have done me than to reconcile me to my creator, the sustainer of my soul? None. And no one could have performed this service except God himself - and he did!

(If I may, for anyone who is unfamiliar or (even worse!) over familiar with the Gospel, I'd highly reccomend The Gospel for Real Life by Jerry Bridges. It breaks it down into digestable pieces and explains every angle. You're be glad you have a savior by the end of the first chapter!)
The second thing that tops my list in second place is my husband, Stephan. He is my chief treasure on earth. And since it's thanksgiving, I ask your indulgence while I tell you about a particular part of his character, one that I am so grateful for - and wouldn't you guess it has something to do with that which I'm most grateful for, the Gospel? Play the game with me. "What's something you're grateful for, Kari?..."
Stephan is the embodiment of love and leadership performed through service talked about in Ephesians 5, and I could write about all the minute ways he exercises this. But he excels in one particular area that leaves me absolutely gobsmacked and shaking my head at how awesome my God is - and that's just before I leave for work in the morning.
Stephan loves the Gospel. It permeates every area of his life. He is relentlessly reminds me of it. When he leads us in prayer (which he does frequently), he always begins with "Lord, thank you for the Gospel..." When I'm condemned over my sin, his first words are always "Hey, remember the gospel paid for this! You're covered!" When I'm believing lies that I'll never mortify my sin, he always reminds me "No, you WERE hopeless - NOW you're redeemed. The Gospel SAYS there's grace for change." When I'm storming about in sinful anger, he's right there again "The Gospel says you aren't' a slave to this - please calm down. Have you forgotten the gospel? Well I'm gonna tell it to you again" When we're feeling the squeeze of two very different work schedules leaving us little time to spend together, he puts it in perspective: "Hey, it could be worse - we could be headed for God's wrath. Because of the Gospel, we're saved from hell. Our biggest problem is solved - THIS is nothing." One of his favorite conversation starters is to ask me something I'm thankful for - when I ask him? "The Gospel." (after which he says "and you!" and gives me a big goofy smile). When he sins and confesses to me, he always shakes his head and says "Sure makes you glad you have a savior, doesn't it?" When God blessed us with our first apartment, ecstatic though we were over the material gift, Stephan's gaze was not diverted. "We give thanks to you Father for the apartment, but acknowledge the far greater gift of the Gospel, and reconciling us to you through it." Once he came to me after his quiet time, wide eyed and slack jawed, bible hanging from his hand. I looked up from my tea and raised my eyebrows questioningly. "Kari," he said, "Christ BECAME sin for us...for US..." and just shook his head in awe. He challenges the men in his caregroup regularly to remember Christs atoning death for them more than their sin. The Gospel proceeds every prayer, is recited during every conflict (sometimes multiple times...), and follows every correction. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are, he's always encouraging me to evaluate them in light of the Gospel. This inspires me to worship, pray, repent, confess, rejoice and glory in my redeemer. He is a true luminary in this - but only with the luminosity of a the moon, merely a reflection of the true light, the sun.
"...preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching." 2 Tim 2:4Habi - you are the greatest example of 2 Tim 2:4 I know, not only in word, but in action. I am blessed to have you as my leader, companion, friend, and co-heir to the glory of Christ. Thank you. I don't deserve you any more than I did my Salvation. May I come to guard the Gospel with the same zeal that you do - by God's grace.
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