Jonathan Edwards was a cool guy. And a smart guy. And by grace, a pretty darn godly guy.
But he was a guy, just like us, who had to fight his sin daily. It never really got any easier for him, just as it never does for us. We have to remain vigilant, even militant, and completely resolved.
In 1722, Johny did something I find amazing. He sat down with his journal and wrote out 21 "Resolutions" - committments or promises he was making to God. He began each with the word "Resolved."
What does "resolved" mean? You knew it was coming. Follow me to the illustrious OED...
"Resolved: a. Determined, decided, settled in purpose."
So in effect, with each of these commitments, Johny was saying "I've made up my mind to always, from this day forth..." do X thing.
Why is this amazing? Because it's militant. Johny took the offense for godliness. He wasn't just passively responding to his circumstances and temptations. He took the proverbial bull by the proverbial horns, as it were.
In my impressed state, I began to wonder: could I too be a resolutionary? Sure! Why not? The same grace that enabled Johny enables me. We have the same savior. I could write out resolutions that were applicable to my life as a wife, daughter, sister, friend, redeemed child of God and sinner.
So here they are, for posterity. And if you're interested in Johny's, you can view them
here. His are better than mine, but he was wiser than me too. In fact they were so much better that I couldn't improve upon them and I commandeered them for my own. Those one's of his that I have on my list are indicated.
Kari Faherty’s Resolutions
(with a few of Jonathan Edwards’)
- 9 May 2006 -
1. Resolved, to evaluate all things against the backdrop of the gospel.
2. Resolved, to be completely honest with myself and with God, knowing he is watching.
3. Resolved, to always ask myself “What will bring God the most glory right now?” – and do that thing.
4. Resolved, to be zealous for God’s glory, and thus not defame him myself or stand by as others do it, if I can help it.
5. Resolved, to optimize every minute for God’s glory and the advance of his kingdom without tiring.
6. Resolved, to consider myself always the chief of sinners, the queen of backsliding, and the one most in need of a savior – and let this inform my actions.
7. Resolved, to always remember my biggest problem is solved – Hell was a problem. Present affliction is nothing comparatively.
8. Resolved, if anything swells my pride, vanity or self-righteousness – or any other sin or craving – to immediately remove it from my life.
9. Resolved, to live in such a way that, when I come to old age, I will not look back and say “I’ve wasted my life.”
10. Resolved, to secure for myself as much happiness in the life to come by means of actions in the present life.
11. Resolved, to never euphemize or neutralize my descriptions of life as I perceive it, but realize that all things are either for or against God, and to be brutally vigilant to call them such.
12. Resolved, to identify the root actions and heart motivations of all my behaviors.
13. Resolved, to study scripture and the teachings of those wiser than myself with all my mental vigor, acknowledging this as the most important of studies.
14. Resolved, to spend time with God at the beginning of the day, every day, from this day until I die – and if I do not, to submit myself to the strictest scrutiny as to why I failed, both practically and spiritually.
15. Resolved, to only speak that which would please the Lord.
16. Resolved, to treat myself as if I belong to and am on loan from God.
17. Resolved, to harness every trial, heartache and discomfort to grow more into the likeness of Christ.
18. Resolved, to always act as if I had already experienced the happiness of heaven and the torments of hell.
19. “Resolved, when I fear misfortunes and adversities, to examine whether I have done my duty, and resolve to do it, and let the event be just as providence orders it. I will as far as I can, be concerned about nothing more than my duty, and my sin.” –Jonathan Edwards, Resolution #57
20. Resolved, to strive after perfection as if perfection could be attained.
21. Resolved, when my emotions are in the least out of sorts, to scrutinize myself and find out why, recognizing that my emotions are an indicator of what’s going on in my heart.
22. Resolved, to view anyone who wrongs me as a sinner who needs a savior, and myself as no different from them apart from grace.
23. Resolved, To pray for the unsaved daily.
24. Resolved, to distrust my heart.
25. Resolved, to always look where God IS moving and never where he ISN'T.
26. Resolved, to consider every correction brought to me, unless it obviously contradicts scripture.
“Resolved, to live with all my might, while I do live.” –Jonathan Edwards, Resolution #6
27. “Resolved, never to give over, nor in the least to slacken, my fight with my corruptions, however unsuccessful I may be.” –Jonathan Edwards, Resolution #56
28. “Resolved, if ever I shall fall and grow dull, so as to neglect to keep any part of these resolutions, to repent of all I can remember when I come to myself again.” –Jonathan Edwards, Resolution #3