One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

28 May 2007


my marriage turns 3!

As I was reflecting on this, two major thoughts came to mind.

First, of course, was that I married the most wonderful man in the world, second to none. I don't deserve him (though the debate continues as to whether or not he deserves me...).

Second, was how the past 3 years have been nothing but pure, undeserved grace. I shutter to think where my marriage would be today if God hadn't mercifully intervened, lead Stephan and I to our church, opened our eyes first to His saving gospel and then to His perfect plan for marriage, and through the teaching we received brought us to a place where we are experiencing all the blessings God promises to those who obey his word. We've grown into a depth of communication that few couples ever experience - this has lead to the sight and mortification of so much sin that would have otherwise festered and ravaged not only our relationship with each other, but with God. We've grown into the prescribed roles scripture lays out for husband and wife, and have experienced the blessings inherent in a husband leading his family, and a wife facilitating that leadership. The blessings of joy and quality in my marriage would be enough to put me on my face with gratitude each morning, but all this is sweetened by the knowledge that I'm walking out my marriage in a way that isn't only reaping benefits for this life, but I'm also storing up reward for myself in heaven as well - and helping Stephan do the same by helping him walk out his role as husband. God promises blessing to those who fear him and keep his commandments - and I've seen this over the past 3 years of my marriage. Scripture also says that God is merciful, and he sends the rains to fall on both the wicked and the good - I've seen that too, for I'm by no means perfect at this whole 'wife' gig. God is good - that's the bottom line, and that's what I've seen during my married life.

But back to thought #1 - my husband. He's the chief blessing given to me by God, and the highest form of his goodness to me...well, 2nd highest - absolute highest is, of course, him saving my soul through Christ's atoning death.

A friend at work asked me how I was doing a couple weeks ago.

"Saved!" I replied. "And it's beautiful outside! How could I be better?"

She snickered as she pulled her hair into a ponytail. "All this and Christ too!" she said.

That's been my pervading thought this morning: I have Stephan - a passionate, loving, encouraging husband who works hard every day to provide for his family; who looks at his whole future in the framework of providing for and protecting his family; who desires to bring his wife home to raise his children, and make sure she has not only all her needs, but her wants; who cares more about his wife's soul than her comfort and isn't afraid to call her to task on her sin and point her back to the gospel - All this and Christ too.

I'm incomparably blessed - and I've only been married 3 years! Thank you Stephan - and thank you God.

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