One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

11 February 2008

The Clapping Club!

I have the privilege to work at my church.

Every Wednesday, all the pastors gather in a room on the opposite side of the wall behind my desk and pray together. This particular Wednesday, however, myself a a coworker kept hearing them explode into upproarious applause at regular intervals.

"What are they doing?" We asked one another.

One of the guys came out to grab water and we flagged him down to ask what was going on.

"We're doing scripture memory," he said over his shoulder as he hurried back into the room.

I turned to my coworker thoughtfully. "Oh!" she said, "They must be reciting it and they clap for each other whenever they get it right!"

"Oh!" I said. "What a great idea!"

"Yeah...hey...WE could do that too!"

"We could!" I cried. "Why don't we?"

So we invited all the girls who sit in our corner to participate. "We're going to choose passages of scripture, gather weekly (on Wednesday mornings, of course!) recite as much as we can - and regardless of how many times we mess up or how far we get, we're going to clap and scream for one another! Who's in?"

We got a quarem - and the Clapping Club was born. I'm making my way through Ephesians 2.

Anyone else in?

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