One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

13 May 2009

A Godly Man's Picture...

There he is!  Pounding away at the computer, just like he has for the past 2 years.  He's pounding the Starbucks too - because he's slept very little this week and has had a full day at work every day.  Going to bed early isn't an option this week, because he takes his last final tomorrow and presents his thesis on Friday.  Oh, and did I leave out the bit about me getting angry and him having to lay everything down to help me with a little heart work?  Yeah... that took a good 45 minutes... twice this week...  Some of those late nights were my doing...

Ephesians 5 says that Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for it.  They're to love her as they would their own bodies, for no one hates his own flesh, but cares for it and cherishes it - just like Jesus cares for and cherishes the church, because we're part of his body if we've trusted in his death for our sins.

One of the pastors at our church preached on this passage recently.  In the course of the message he posed a question to the husbands present: "Men, have you loved your wife in a way that cost you something recently?"

I really think I live with the most compelling example of this passage ever.  From the instant I became Stephan's wife, he's loved me sacrificially.   These past 2 years of graduate school have been years of cost to him - he's give up sleep, leisure, and preference after preference after preference.  And he's not doing it for a career - he's doing it for me.  Talk about laying your life down.

Just a little tribute, Stephan - I know it will probably embarass you.  But I'm not posting anything the world wouldn't already see by watching you.  Thank you for loving me in a way that cost you something.  I can't wait to see you reap the rewards of your hard work in Italy!  9 days!!

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