Last week my cell phone broke. The phone function worked, but I couldn't see the screen. So I left it on the table and went about my housework. Well, it rang, and I picked up with no idea who it was.
"So your phone DOES still work!" came a joyful voice from the other end. Unmistakable. My best friend - I'll call her Joy.
"Hey!" I said. "How are you?" She giggled. Oh, I knew that giggle. "I guess you're fine..." *giggle* "How fine are you?" I asked.
"We're courting!" she snickered. When Joy snickers it's not in an evil cackle kind of way. She's just smiling so big that her lips don't form words properly. You learn to decipher - and even translate - after some time.
Some quick background. Joy and a super great guy (we'll call him David, because he's a swell leader and talented musician) have had their eye on each other for a long time, and I'd known forever that they'd be getting together soon. I just didn't know how soon.
So this was my big scene. I, as best friend, was scripted to say something deeply uplifting and encouraging. I think I performed well.
"Are you sure??" I screamed.
(Ok, so there had kinda been some back and forth with these two...are they courting?...are they not?... it was a natural question if you'd been there for the whole thing, believe me.)
After laughing, she confirmed that yes, she was sure, and told me the story. It was a great story, but I'll spare you. Joy and I prayed together and, though I'm sure I wasn't, I felt like I was rivaling her for smiling and squealing the most. Anyway, The important part of the conversation was that they were going on their first official date that Friday. David was going to surprise Joy.
Last weekend was the most suspenseful of my life. I seriously had to restrain myself from calling with one of those "psssssssssst! How's it going??" inquiries. But I stood firm, and waited for Monday.
The report was great!!!!!! It's their special time, so I'm not posting it here for the world to see, but it was a really fun time that glorified God and brought them both alot of joy. I heard David raving later about how Joy always and consistently points him back to God, and their first date was no exception.
I believe him - she does the same for me.

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