The CD's target audience is actually children. (The "choose your own cover" feature should give that away. Kids can choose from four CD covers.)

The purpose of the recording was to equip parents with a tool to begin teaching children about God, his character, his Gospel, and how they're to respond to these things. The great part of it is that truth is truth, no matter how old you are. These songs aren't anything like "this little light of mine", which doesn't really minister to an adult's heart. They're jammed with doctrinal and practical truths that remain unchanged when laid against backdrops of different ages, circumstances, and seasons of life.
Almighty Creator: This has to be one of my favorites. Someone very dear to my heart has told me for years that they just want to know God's purpose for their life. This person speaks in a sense of vocation or 'calling' - but unfortunately has overlooked that God has a common purpose for all people - indeed, all things. A few of the lyrics: "You made all things to show your glory, formed all things to bring you praise. You created me to worship you. You created me to love you. You have made me to delight in you. All glory to your name!" This is an essential perspective for kids to have from a young age.
Forever God: A simple song with simple lyrics with a simple message: God isn't like us, he goes on forever!
You are always with me: Another life-shaping truth - Jesus is always with us. A true grasp of this informs our behavior when 'no one is watching', as well as when we feel 'all alone'. This song drives the truth home.
Who is like you?: A great way to teach kids about what their posture should be before the Lord, and teaches them humility by acknowledging their smallness and unworthiness in light of God's greatness and majesty.
Soveriegn one: Another indespensable. Listen to these lyrics: "When I'm all alone and afraid...When things in my life don't make sense...When I don't get to have my own way...When tears begin to roll down my face...I will trust in you, for you are good." The song goes on to tell of God's sovereignty in our lives - how nothing is beyond His control, and he's working all things to his perfect plan. What a comfort this truth could be to a troubled little heart! (or a troubled big heart, for that matter.)
Mighty Mighty Savior: The bad news has to come before the good news, right? This songs spells out how no one is good enough to earn God's favor and heaven, and we need someone to help us - then points our minds right back to our mighty mighty savior Jesus!
Jesus came to earth: This song sings about how exactly Jesus acted out being our mighty mighty savior, then flows into why he's worthy of our praise.
Your love: I have a personal history with this song, so it's very near to my heart. I've been learning alot myself about how God shows his love for me by his correction of my sinful behavior. That is the heart of this song, that God's correction is an action of his love. I'm really thankful that a song is on the CD that shows this connection, because so often children can equate correction with anger. It's essential that they know their heavenly father doesn't correct them because he hates them, but because he loves them.
Three in one: A simple song about the trinity - something even I as an adult am still coming to understand better. It tells plainly the different roles of each of the persons in the godhead - father, son, and spirit.
For you are holy: God's holiness is something I am so excited to teach my own children about one day! This is the one area of study that I would attribute most of my spiritual growth to. Understanding that God is holy puts so many other things in perspective - grace, the gospel, myself - many things. This song kind of lists out what it means to be holy, and highlights God's absolute uniquness in being holy.
The gospel song: "Holy God in love became perfect man to bear my blame. On the cross he took my sin. By His death I live again." An absolute jewel of a song, simply and clearly stating the truth of the Gospel. What a weapon to arm children with from their young years onward!
Have you heard?: Another gem of a song. It asks the question "Have you heard about Jesus? Do you know who he is?" and then goes one to answer these questions. This song lays out the gospel in more specific, practical terms. It walks the listener through not only who Jesus is, but why we need him, and what exactly we have to do to accept the Gospel. It is truly, as the song states in the chorus, "The best news that we could ever hear." Don't we want our kids to hear it?
Overall I (even as an adult) love this CD. I can listen to it and remind myself of the basics - the stuff I learned in the bootcamp of my faith. I need to be reminded of these things. These are the simple foundations that we never move on from - we just build on top of. The gospel isn't just for unbelievers - it's for Christians of many years as well! Everything we try to put on top of this foundation will crumble if we don't keep the foundation strong. This CD is a great tool for building that foundation in our children while they're young. Even if they don't understand every line immediatley in an intellectual sense, they'll be armed with a vocabulary that will only become more and more exciting as they grow in years and in understanding of the Awesome God they serve.
Much thanks to Sovereign Grace for producing this CD. I can't wait to share it with my kids.
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