One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

03 January 2006


Well, welcome back everyone! I've had trillions of post ideas racing around in my head since I last posted, but I haven't had the internet connection neccesary to do it. So they'll probably show up throughout the day today.

Until then, a helpful new-year link. (Most people who read this probably also read the GirlTalk blog - I got this link from there.) However, if you haven't, check it out:

This article opperates on the assumption that the reader is already a christian. If you aren't, I'd urge you to consider only one question:
Have I given the Gospel enough consideration to really truly disregaurd it with confidence?
(If you're unsure of what the Gospel is, see the post for December 22.)
Happy new year!

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