One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

27 February 2006

A contriversial post...

I just read a very good and well presented article. You may have noticed how much I enjoy the writing of Randy Alcorn by now, considering how much I quote the guy. But this is by far one of the best articles of his I've ever read.

It's not even an article, actually, it's a transcript of a speech he gave in 1996. It's long - it took me an hour to read it - but it was worth it.

The topic was abortion. I'm not secretive about my stance on this issue - I have a deep heart to see the practice stopped. I don't care so much about legality or illegality of the practice - my prayer is that the hearts of mothers and fathers (because that's what there is when a child is concieved) will again turn toward their children and not against them. I pray for a heart change, not just a legeslation change (though I pray for that too).

I'd encourage you to read the article.

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