One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

13 February 2006

Make much of...

Boy, the snow came down late on Saturday, didn't it! My husband and I had quite the adventure, but hopefully I'll have pictures ready for tomorrow's post.

The snow made church a little interesting. Both morning services were canceled and the whole congregation met for one 5pm service. They introduced a new song during worship that really spoke to me. I wanted to share it:
How could I stand here
and watch the sun rise
or follow the mountains
to where they touch the sky
or ponder the vastness
and the depths of the sea
and think for a moment
the point of it all
was to make much of me?
Cause I'm just a whisper
and you are the thunder

I want to make much of you Jesus
I want to make much of your love
I want to live today to give you the praise
You alone are so worthy of
I want to make much of your mercy
I want to make much of the cross
I give you my life
take it and let it be used
to make much of you

How can I kneel here
and think of the cross
the thorns and the whip
and the nails and the spear
the infinite cost
To purchase my pardon
and bear all my shame
and think I have anything
worth boasting in
except for your name?
Cause I am a sinner
And you are the savior!

I want to make much of you Jesus
I want to make much of your love
I want to live today to give you the praise
You alone are so worthy of
I want to make much of your mercy
I want to make muhc of the cross
I iv eyou my life
take it and let it be used
to make much of you

Wow. I felt like I just couldn't raise my hands high enough. What an adjustment.

We can't view ourselves correctly until we view God correctly. When we have the proper perspective of God, this song becomes the cry of our heart - we aren't interested in making much of ourselves, but offering ourselves to make much of Him.

I'm praying that this would be my perspective.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That song really spoke to me, too...I couldn't decide if I wanted to cry because I was so broken at the thought of the sacrifice Christ paid for me on the cross, or if I wanted to cry because I was so overwhelmed at His demonstration of love by dying on the cross. I think in the end I was just smiling and singing with all my heart. I felt the same - I couldn't raise my hands high enough! I especially like the lines "cause I am a sinner and You are the Savior". It's so blunt. Exactly what's needed to remind us of our state and what He's done for us!