One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

12 September 2006

A humerous exchange

I have befriended a sales rep for a local office supply company.

THE SETTING: I was asked by Miss Money to place an office order a couple days ago. I couldn't get around to it until today, and each time I was ready to place the order, someone would come in and ask me to add something else.

Below is our email exchange today. You can see sometimes I had to send him another email before he could even reply to my first.

Me: this has been a whirlwind of a day, but I couldln't let it end withoutgetting some quotes from you!

Sales Rep: As we stare at the new fiscal year, head-on, cross-eyed and with the dreams of mo' money, I hope things are going well.

Me: I think there's a certain smell I give off when I'm JUST about to place an office order - because, without fail, they always come on droves from all corners of the university to request things just as I'm about to enter the order!

Sales Rep: They are called "Office Product Pharamones" I can smell them from here! Keep your mace handy, it's like crack to a crackhead!

Me: I don't think my OP Pharamones have ever worked so well! I should donate myself to scientific study! NO! I should go into SALES! Think of all the ways this could be exploited!

Me again: This is AMAZING! I wonder if it could somehow be weaponized...

Sales Rep: Would you consider wearing a T-shirt with my company's name on it as you walk the halls? I guess it's almost like being a Jedi!

Little things like this make being a secretary sooooooo worthwhile. =)

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