One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

02 May 2009

Gumball Machine!

Last year I asked Stephan if we could get a gumball machine.  He said no, mostly on financial grounds.  We were completely provided for and not in any danger of going hungry - but an expensive (and they are expensive...) gumball machine wasn't a need at that time, and probably wasn't wise.  After our discussion I agreed with him completely, and we abandoned the gumball machine in solidarity.

Tonight, months and months and months later, we saw a play at church.  The play was AMAZING.  It was based on John Bunyan's book Pilgrim's Progress, a phenomenal allegory of Christian life.  The main character, named Christian, makes his way long a path - and sometimes the path is hard.  Sometimes he wants to give up.  In one scene of the play, he comes upon an old acquaintance named Goodwill, and is telling her how badly he wants to get to the Celestial City, where his journey will end and he can rest.  She lovingly tells him that his time will come, but not to rush.  "There's much the King has given us to enjoy along the path!" she said.

Did I mention that Goodwill, in our play, was cast as an Irish girl who plays the fiddle?

She started playing, and then to everyone's surprise, and my great joy, there was an Irish step-dancing number - with bagpipes even!  I adore Irish music, especially fiddle music, and clapped my way through the whole number.  I was really blessed by it.

Driving home, I told Stephan how I felt genuinely encouraged, that something so personally enjoyable was written into the play as something symbolizing the rest and delight God wants us to have along the way in life.

When we got home, our parking space had been parked in, so we had to drive up and around the court to turn around.  On the way, we passed something sitting on the side of the road.

"Hey," Stephan said, "you still want a gumball machine?"

Yes, it was a retro gumball machine that someone was throwing out - and yes, I still wanted it, so I jumped out and grabbed it, and now it's sitting in my living room, soon to be filled with spherical joy.

Just a little bit of rest and delight God meant for me to have along the way in life, I guess!

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