One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

01 August 2008


In a season past I used to write down the comedic encounters I had with the doctors I worked for. Well, I work with cool people now too - and they are just as comedic. Here's an email exchange I had with one of the fellows I work with to coordinate our church's baptisms.
from me: Can I have the most recent batch of baptism applications back? I've gotta file the buggers!

from him: Yep – check my desk for a blue folder labeled Baptism. They should be in there. Don’t let the monsters under the piles bite your hand.

from me: Ok – just finished bandaging my hand. Almost lost a finger to the monster that leapt, not from under the papers, but from out of the moldy coffee cup near your lamp! Mission successful – I’ve got the prize. Thanks!

from him: Yea, that’s the monster’s watering hole – look out!

I adore my coworkers! =)

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