One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

21 November 2006

2 weeks notice...

I resigned today. I've been offered and have accepted another position, and I gave my 2 weeks notice today.

It's a very very bitter thing to do. When you're about to drop out of someone's life, they say alot of nice things to you - like you're dying. I've been telling people all day "I'm not dying", but they go on saying the nice things, sure they won't hear from me again. I kinda feel like I've been sentenced to death...

I'm a little too mixed-up feeling to pen a proper post today. I'll just say that I adore my coworkers here and am very sad to leave them.

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