One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

28 December 2005

Surfing the net...

I work at a medical school. My department only teaches one semester out of the year. When the course isn't in session, I have alot of free time on my hands. Being stuck at a desk really doesn't leave me much to do but to surf the internet.

So! What are some of my favorite web sites?

The GirlTalk Blog - A mom and her three daughters blogging about biblical womanhood and how to live it practically.

The MarriedLife Blog - maintained by my favorite pastor and his pastoral cohorts (namely the pastors who minister to married couples at my church). They blog about how to live out married life to the glory of God.

Eternal Perspective Ministries - Randy Alcorn's site. Randy is a pastor in Oregon, and this site keeps alot of articles posted, in which he answers questions people have asked him, as well as just his own thoughts. You can get to these articles by going to, then on the left side bar click "resources". The topics are shown on the next page. Here's a tiny sample.

Project Gutenburg - an online library of thousands of titles that have expired copyrights (sorry, you won't find The Chronicles of Narnia here, I checked)

University of Adelaide, Australia's Sherlock Holmes Library - Self explanitory. A specific section of another online library.

Desiring God - The ministry of John Piper. I like it because (you guessed it) the site has an online libarary!

Hey, if ya gotta surf the web, might as well learn something, right? Enjoy!

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