One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

22 February 2006

What is Humility?

Humility is confessing sin.

Humility is joyfully thanking the person who just reminded you that you'd forgotten the Gospel.

Humility is being aware of your weaknesses and asking for prayer.

Humility is pointing out evidences of grace in other's lives and telling them you want to be more like them.

Humility is little thank-you notes with lavish encouragement.

Humility is accepting scripture-based correction.

Humility is seeking accountability.

Humility is admitting you struggle with the same things.

Humility is agreeing to recieve a phone call in the morning to make sure you get up for your quiet time.

Humility is knowing you're the worst of sinners and you'd be nothing apart from grace.

Humility is asking forgiveness.

Humility is granting forgiveness.

Humility is submitting to an imperfect husband, knowing that your a sinner who needs a savior just like he is.

Humility is the girls in my caregroup.

I love you girls, I cherish your example - I want to be more like you!

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Kari said...
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