One gal's record of trying to pay much closer attention to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(...with a sprinkling of accounts from her outrageously blessed life with THE best husband in the world!)

10 March 2006

An Update

Well, back in January I posted my New Years Goals. I think it's about time to evaluate. Spring is here, after all (...meteorologically, at least...) My goals were as follows:

  1. Love my savior more / hate my sin more
  2. Purpose to cultivate the gentle, quiet spirit
  3. Focus on building relationships
  4. Be more purposeful in sharing the gospel
  5. Purpose to make sure my husband knows he's the most specialest guy in the world!
  6. Read more
  7. Plan my children's school cirriculum

So, how'm I doin?

Love my savior more/hate my sin more - This will come naturally to any Christian truly persuing God. God's been teaching me so much about how sinful I really am, and that makes me love my savior all the more. I think there's steady growth in this area - but yet Iknow it's something I'll be growing in my whole life. I haven't delved into a deep study of God's holiness like I'd wanted too, but that will come when there's more money in the budget for books.

Purpose to cultivate the gentle, quiet spirit - DEFINITELY not there yet. But God's removing the obstacles of sin (vanity's the project of the moment) that keep me from this quality of character that is very precious to him. Gotta get through those first.

Focus on building relationships - I'm whittling away at this one too. I can name at least one good, good friendship that's been well restored. It's just a question of being more purposeful with my time apart from Stephan. Gotta work on phone calls to out-of-state friends and family, but progress is being made.

Be more purposeful in sharing the Gospel - I haven't had an opening yet this year to share the greatest news ever with a non-believer, but I have been praying daily for the people I want to see come to Christ, and for opportunities to share with them and others. That's a start until God opens other doors.

Purpose to make sure my husband knows he's the most specialest guy in the world - I've been doing more little things (like notes in his lunch and reading to him more often), but I'll have to ask him if he feels specialer. More as it developes.

Read more - this one's nailed. Since I've started getting up earlier to have my quiet time, my morning AND evening bus trips are free for pleasure reading. I'm also reading to Stephan more, and reading in my pockets of free time. I'll have torn through all 7 of the Chronicles of Narnia in about one calendar month. I've never read 7 books in one month before.

Plan my children's school cirriculum - I'm making notes of books that I want to encorporate into their education, as well as gleaning every idea I can from people like my mother-in-law (who's a teacher). I hope to pick my sister-in-law's brain when she's in town next weekend also (she's also a teacher) and that of my cousin ('nother teacher). My mother-in-law also bought me a book - first in a series - called "Everything your kindergartener needs to know". That'll help me begin getting a skeleton together.

Well, that's not too bad for 2 months into the year. But I can't take the credit:

"Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!" --Psalm 115:1

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